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Fishing Blog

Lightning Fast Wahoo December 7, 2021

Wahoo's are one of the most vicious fish in the sea with their super fast speed attitude and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, wahoo fishing is  one of the most prized catches for sport fishermen around the world.

High speed wahoo trolling  suddenly skyrockets 8 to 10 feet in the air behind the boat with a lure in their mouth, 

Fishing with America's Finest - U.S. Military Veterans November 10, 2021


The mission of Fishing with America’s Finest is first and foremost save one of our Nation’s most valuable resources the U.S. Military Veteran by reducing the NUMBER 22. The number 22 is the number of Veterans we lose daily due to PTSD and other emotional issues. We do this by providing a day of (Piscatorial Therapy) FISHING THERAPY either in our F.W.A.F Fishing 101 Classes, shoreline fishing or spending the day in the Everglades of South Florida. During our unique therapy we share our knowledge of sport fishing as learned from Captain Neal Stark a Professional Tournament Bass fisherman and Founder of the Program. In this relaxed environment we empower them to be open, talk and realize that life is still worth looking forward to one cast at a time.

What to Fish for in October! September 29, 2021


October Bass Fishing in  Florida is the deal! This is the time of year when we generally get our first cool front of the year, 

Here in Florida we have year round bass fishing, which means trophy bass can be caught all year long, but your best chances are when the weather starts cooling off 


Summer Mahi Fishing July 14, 2021


Dolphin schools show in the Straits of Florida off the Keys in late March and April, increasing to peak abundance during late May, June or July.

Off the Carolinas, Dolphins typically reach their greatest numbers from May to June. Top fishing occurs in the Mid-Atlantic Bight from late July to early September.

How Does Weather Affect Fishing May 7, 2021


Weather conditions of all types affect fish behavior. From dreaded cold fronts and soaring barometric pressure to a walleye chop, light rain, or leaden skies, Mother Nature plays a hand in our favorite pursuit.

Thankfully, if you don't like the fishing weather conditions you've been dealt for the day, you typically don't have to wait long until everything changes.

Light rain is good for fishing, as the rain helps you hide from the fish. It also washes bait and other insects into the water. Fish feed a lot more in such conditions. On the other hand, very heavy rain is not good for fishing. This is because fish will find it increasingly difficult to see the bait. The water's current can affect them, too, making them move very slowly.